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Common ways of molding machine equipment

Bottle blowing machine equipmentIn the development process, in order to better manufacture parts and workpieces, we choose the most suitable molding method, which can not only improve the service life of the mold, but also greatly help the use of the workpiece. Our common plastic mold molding There are the following six methods.

1. Injection molding

Plastic injection molding is also called injection molding. This method uses an injection molding machine to continuously input granular plastic into the barrel of the injection molding machine to be heated and gradually melted to make it in a dynamic flow state. The small screw or plunger of the inner barrel is pushed to the end of the material and passes through the barrel. The nozzle at the end injects the melt into the closed mold. After being filled, it undergoes holding and cooling to solidify and shape the product, and then open the mold to take out the product. Injection molding is mainly used for thermoplastics, and now it is also used for thermo-homogeneous plastics. Injection molding
The production is cyclical.

2. Extrusion molding

Extrusion molding is also called extrusion molding. This method is similar to the principle of injection molding. The granular plastic is heated and pressurized in the material of the extruder. The melt is extruded through a molding die installed on the head of the extruder, and then cooled and shaped, with the help of The traction device is pulled out and becomes a continuous product with a certain cross-sectional shape, such as pipes, grooves, plates and profile products. Extrusion molding is one of the main molding methods for thermoplastics. In addition to the molding process, this method is also used for the mixing and processing of plastics, such as coloring, filling, blending, etc., which can be completed through extrusion granulation processes.

3. Hollow molding

Hollow molding is also called blow molding. It is a method of manufacturing hollow products and tubular films. This method first uses an extruder or injection machine to extrude or inject the molten material in the shape of a tube, and then put the blank into a blow mold, and blow compressed air into the blank to make the blank blank expand. Raise until it is close to the inner wall of the mold. After cooling and setting, the mold is opened to take out the small hollow products. In industrial production, thermoplastic products such as bottles, pokes, balls, pots and boxes can all be manufactured by this method. If it will be continuous from the extruder.

The extruded molten plastic tube is hot, and the compressed empty scoop is passed into it, the tube is expanded and thinned, and then cooled and shaped to obtain a tube-shaped film. The longitudinal section is developed into a plastic film.

4. Compression molding

Compression molding is also called system molding. This method installs a mold composed of upper and lower molds (or convex and concave molds) between the upper and lower mold plates of the press, and the plastic pellets (or powder or preform) are heated and compressed. The closed mold cavity is filled, and the plastic product is obtained after curing and shaping. This method is mainly used for short materials of hot firmware.

5. Injection molding

Injection molding is also called transfer molding. This method loads plastic pellets or blanks into the feeding cavity of the mold, and the molten plastic under the action of heat and pressure is filled with the closed mold-type amine through the pouring system (runner and gate) at the bottom of the mold feeding main. Then assimilate into shape. This method is suitable for thermosetting plastic products with complex shapes or with more inserts.

6. Solid phase molding

Solid phase molding is also called secondary molding. Its characteristic is that the plastic is molded below the melting temperature, and there is no obvious flow state of the plastic during the molding process. This method is mostly used for the secondary molding of plastic sheets, such as vacuum molding, compressed air molding and pressure molding. In the past, phase forming was mostly used for forming thin-walled products, but now it can be used to make thick-walled products.